
On 02/08/16 07:36, Infinicalls Infinicalls wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am still struggling to get a prepaid system for my service.
> After installing SIREMIS, I am able to get the CDRs updated. But even
> after adding the cron settings, the call duration doesn't get updated.
> And also in
> http://lists.sip-router.org/pipermail/sr-users/2012-January/071517.html
> it has been mentioned that
> "If it is the case of 1 call per user at a time, then practically can
> be done from kamailio config only. When call starts, compute the max
> duration for that call based on caller/destination (e.g., call a
> stored procedure via sqlops) and set the dialog timeout to that
> duration. When call ends (BYE in main route or timeout route) update
> the credit accordingly."
> Can somebody let me know if my understanding is correct.
> 1) Add a field called "credits" in the database. And topup that field.
> 2) First compute max permitted duration for that user by multiplying
> the cost for number prefix (say +91) and pulse.
> 3) And finally add this value to timeout of dialog. modparam("dialog",
> "default_timeout", 100000)
> $dlg_ctx(timeout_bye) = 1;
> Will this work? Any help would be appreciated.
That should work, you also need to deduct the used credit when the call
is ended.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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