
try to see if it works to do the authentication in the branch failure
event route. There you can do processing as soon as the 401 arrives --
it has to be tried to see if uac auth works fine there, if not probably
needs some tuning.


On 25/08/16 15:42, Daniel Tryba wrote:
> Trying to implement a way to authenticate outgoing INVITEs to endpoints
> that need/want to. uac_auth in the initial failure route works fine when
> there is only 1 registered user to send the INVITE to. But with at least
> 2 locations are available and 1 accepts the INVITE without
> authentication, the 401 of the location that wants authentication isn't
> processed in the failure route until a timeout is triggered (t_set_fr).
> At that point the 401 is processed and a response generated with
> Authentication header. But since t_set_fr invite timeout was exceeded it
> is immediatly destroyed due to a CANCEL having been generated to the
> location(s).
> t=0:
> t_set_fr(10000);
> INVITE to A anb B
> A responds 100 Trying,180 Ringing
> B responds 401 Unauthorized
> t=10s:
> T_code=180, new_code=408
> failure route status: 401
> uac_auth()
> INVITE with Authorization is build to B
> INVITE to B is never send
> Is this expected behaviour? Obviously I didn't expect this.
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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