On 02/09/16 15:19, Daniel Tryba wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 02:01:09PM +0200, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>> -When enabling topos module, kamailio leaks memory like crazy at a rate
>>> of about 1 GB in 2 hours without any calls (only OPTIONS and replies)
>> What kind of memory is leaking? Private (pkg), shared or system memory?
> System memory, the systems OOM killer is triggered. I have looked at
> the "kamcmd mod.stats all shm" stats and they don't change much. I'll
> have to look into memory debugging before I can give more info.
Interesting, grepping inside the topos module doesn't reveal any system
malloc being used... maybe a side effect in other part, needs more
debugging. Maybe you can test with valgrind.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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