
On 28/09/16 07:11, Kelvin Chua wrote:
> we have serial forking already setup properly but need to t_suspend().
> found out that it completely breaks the destination set.
> other than manually rebuilding the destination set after t_continue(),
> are 
> there any other solution out there?

are you using t_load_contacts()/t_next_contacts()? Or how you keep the
list of addresses for serial forking?

The internal destination set array is static and moved in a transaction
context as branches (for parallel forking) or xavps via the above functions.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - http://www.asipto.com

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