On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 08:44:25AM -0800, Thufir Hawat wrote:
> I'm ok with Linux and am dipping my toe into Asterisk by running an AWS EC2
> instance.  What is the most frequent usage for kamailio?  Would it mainly be
> for SIP to SIP?  So that the URI would be for a specific domain?

To set your mind in motion:
* asterisk is a b2bua
* kamailio is a general sip server

Kamailio can be uses as (but not limited to):
* registrar
* loadbalancer
* edge proxy
* redirector
* general SIP mangling

Most things can be done with a b2bua like asterisk, but asterisk comes
with a (relative) high CPU cost when doing the same job (handling SIP).

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