On 22/02/2017 14:35, hsdsdssdfsdf dsasd wrote:
> I implemented call forwarding according to
> https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/tutorials/mini-howto-admin/call_forwarding,
> which is working fine. When I replace db_mysql with db_mongodb
> however, I receive an error on "if (avp_db_load("$ruri/username",
> "$avp(s:fwd_blind)")) {":
> ERROR: db_mongodb [mongodb_dbase.c:381]: db_mongodb_get_columns():
> field [attribute] not found in result iterator
> ERROR: db_mongodb [mongodb_dbase.c:739]: db_mongodb_store_result():
> failed to set the columns
> ERROR: db_mongodb [mongodb_dbase.c:918]: db_mongodb_query(): failed to
> store result
> ERROR: db_mongodb [mongodb_dbase.c:927]: db_mongodb_query(): failed to
> do the query
> ERROR: avpops [avpops_impl.c:381]: ops_dbload_avps(): db_load failed
can you set debug=3 in kamailio.cfg, restart kamailio and test again?
Then grab the log messages from syslog and send them here. It should
provide more debug information.

Is there a record for this query? Or should be an empty response (no
record returned)?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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