
On 17/02/2017 08:08, Abdoul Osséni wrote:
> Hi,
> My call flow is:
> Softphone --> TLS ---> Kamailio --> UDP --> ASTERISK --> PSTN
> I want to use tcpops module between the softphone and kamailio.
> http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/4.4.x/modules/tcpops
>   * enable tcpops : no problem
>   * disable tcpops : two cases 
>       o cancel or bye from softphone: no problem.
>       o cancel or bye to softphone via kamailio: how disable tcpops? I
>         can't use $avp(bye_conid) because it is asterisk thant sending
>         the sip message. Can we use $avp(caller_conid)? In my case,
>         the softphone is always at the origin of the call establishment.

I am not getting what do you expect as behaviour with your statement
about 'enable tcpops' or 'disable tcpops'. The tcpops is a module, what
do you want to enable/disable for it?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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