
On 07/03/2017 13:10, Grant Bagdasarian wrote:
> Hi,
> One of our customers is using a SEMS box to place two outbound calls
> using our sip trunk.
> Once the first call is connected a second call is placed and when the
> second call answers their server sends a re-invite to switch audio
> ports so the rtp traffic doesn’t flow through their server anymore but
> is routed inside our platform.
> Basically, they just switch SDP’s of both calls.
> It seems like a random issue, and is not really reproducible, except
> for placing multiple calls and sometimes both parties can hear each
> other, other times they can’t, because rtpengine fails (I think) to
> update the endpoint and keeps sending rtp back to their server for one
> of the call legs.
> We tried to reproduce the case using a freeswitch box and it worked
> every time. After the reinvite, the rtp remained within our platform.
> The signaling in both cases still goes through the freeswitch or sems
> for call control.
> Does anyone have experience with this case? Or seen the issue before
> where rtpengine keeps sending rtp to the original endpoint?

Have your checked to see if the sip messages are received/processed in
the expected order?

In some very rare situations, it happened that the re-invite was sent
very fast by callee after just sending the 200ok, so that the re-invite
arrived to the proxy/rtprelay before the 200ok, so at the end the sdp
from 200ok was taken as the last relevant one for the peer. I put there
rtprelay, because I faced this issue where I had rtpproxy, but maybe the
issue is exposed by the rtpengine as well.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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