Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> So, I expect kamailio wil reuse the connection between kamailio1 and
> kamailio2. The tcp manager process selects the least loaded tcp worker
> when a new connection is accepted, and the worker start consuming the
> packets on it until there is nothing to be read on it. The reason behind
> this approach is that a proxy is typically sending back a 100 trying or
> some other provisional response while handling the request. If the
> connection is very busy, so there are always packets to read, then
> practically the selected tcp workers keeps processing the traffic and
> never release the tcp connection back to the tcp manager.

So, for example, if k2 is a presence server and k1 is forwarding
subscribes/publish requests to it, only one process at k2 would be
processing them since the tcp connection between k1 and k2 is reused?

-- Juha

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