Hi guys,

we have a bunch of SIP phones behind a fire wall, with our kamalio server out on the internet. Most of them are the older SPA92x series, but we have some new SPA502g's.

We have no problems calling between 92x and 502's. How ever the 502's calling each other do not get voice path.

I have noticed that the phones REGISTER differently:

         AOR:: 5546@<our domain>
                 Contact:: sip:5546@<OUR OFFICE IP>:1032 Q=
                         Expires:: 180
                         Callid:: 4754c4f9-c67e1018@
                         Cseq:: 43112
                         User-agent:: Cisco/SPA502G-7.6.2a
                         State:: CS_DIRTY
                         Flags:: 0
                         Cflag:: 0
                         Socket:: udp:<OUR SR IP>:5060
                         Methods:: 6815

         AOR:: 5...@sip.skunkworks.net.au
                 Contact:: sip:5590@ Q=
                         Expires:: 1154
                         Callid:: 24435738-224b06db@
                         Cseq:: 8012
                         User-agent:: Linksys/SPA921-5.1.8
                         Received:: sip:<OUR OFFICE IP>:1026
                         State:: CS_SYNC
                         Flags:: 0
                         Cflag:: 64
                         Socket:: udp:<OUR SR IP>:5060
                         Methods:: 4767

The older 921 has its private IP in the contact, where as the newer 502 has the external IP of our office in the contact.

Our file wall is a Watchguard T-10 (latest updates etc) with the SIP-ALG running.

Any thoughts on where to start looking ?



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