
Below the structure of the properties table :

mysql> show create table properties;
| Table      | Create Table                                                     
| properties | CREATE TABLE `properties` (
  `id` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'UniqueID',
  `key_name` text NOT NULL,
  `key_value` text NOT NULL,
  `value_type` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `key_type` int(1) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0.02 sec)


De : sr-users [mailto:sr-users-boun...@lists.sip-router.org] De la part de 
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
Envoyé : mardi 21 mars 2017 13:25
À : Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <sr-users@lists.sip-router.org>
Objet : Re: [SR-Users] ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)


can you give the structure of the table properties (show create table ...)?



March 21, 2017 11:30 AM, "Ginhoux, Patrick" 


A second update for people who started to look at this issue.

I have identified the real cause of the problem by looking more in the kamailio 
log with the debug traces. I discover that it is related to the load of the 
properties table in the htable.

I have the following entries in my mysql db :


| id | key_name | key_value | value_type | key_type |


| 0 | VERSION | 120104-1734 | 0 | 0 |

| 1 | mmm-retry | 408=Y;502=Y;503=Y | 0 | 0 |

| 2 | mgcf-retry | 408=Y;502=Y;503=Y | 0 | 0 |

| 3 | max-mmm-retry | 2 | 0 | 0 |

| 4 | max-mgcf-retry | 2 | 0 | 0 |

| 5 | target-uri | mgcf=;mmm-legacy=;mmm= | 0 
| 0 |

| 6 | pike-status | 503 Service Overload | 0 | 0 |

| 7 | mgcf-path | 99 | 0 | 0 |

| 16 | mmm-nodeid | OPMMMS1VSE01=1;OPMMMS1VSE02=2 | 0 | 0 |

| 17 | mmm-node-path | 1=1;2=2 | 0 | 0 |


In the kamailio.cfg, the << modparam("htable", "htable", 
"propertiesHash=>size=4;dbtable=properties;") >> command causes the load of the 
above table in the htable.

In the log we can see, that the load is done in the alphabetic order of the 
key_name and it fails to load the last entry “VERSION” :

Mar 21 10:25:28 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5784]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:169]: db_str2val(): converting BLOB [VERSION]

Mar 21 10:25:28 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5784]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:74]: db_str2val(): converting INT [0]

Mar 21 10:25:28 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5784]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:74]: db_str2val(): converting INT [0]

Mar 21 10:25:28 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5784]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:169]: db_str2val(): converting BLOB [120104-1734]

Mar 21 10:25:28 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5784]: ERROR: htable 
[ht_db.c:276]: ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)

If I add a new entry named “WWWWW”, then the failure occurs on this entry that 
is the last alphabetic entry :

| 10000 | WWWWW | toto | 0 | 0 |

Mar 21 10:28:45 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5817]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:169]: db_str2val(): converting BLOB [WWWWW]

Mar 21 10:28:45 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5817]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:74]: db_str2val(): converting INT [0]

Mar 21 10:28:45 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5817]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:74]: db_str2val(): converting INT [0]

Mar 21 10:28:45 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5817]: DEBUG: <core> 
[db_val.c:169]: db_str2val(): converting BLOB [toto]

Mar 21 10:28:45 localhost /usr/sbin/kamailio[5817]: ERROR: htable 
[ht_db.c:276]: ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)

Attached the kamailio log for each test.

I hope this help.

Have anyone an idea of this problem ?



De : Ginhoux, Patrick
Envoyé : mardi 21 mars 2017 09:41
À : Kamailio users 
Objet : RE: ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)


There was a mistake in the file attached ; the short kamailio.cfg file (that 
makes kamailio to start) was not the correct one; attached the correct one.

Have anyone an idea of this problem ?



De : Ginhoux, Patrick
Envoyé : lundi 20 mars 2017 17:58
À : Kamailio users 
Objet : RE: ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)


To figure out what causes this issue, I work to shorten my kamailio.cfg to 
contains loadmodule/modparam instructions for the htable module only.

My first attempt (see kamailio.cfg.ok) shows that the problem doesn’t occur.

In the second attempt (see kamailio.cfg.ko) I add instructions previously 
removed from the original .cfg file. I have determined that, depending on the 
instructions that follows the “modparam("htable", "fetch_rows", 1000)” line, 
the “key type must be string (type=6)” error occurs or not.

In this ko file, if I comment out the following sequence, the error occurs :

modparam("htable", "fetch_rows", 1000)


#modparam("htable", "htable", "mbxrangeHash=>size=4;dbtable=mbxrange;")


#modparam("htable", "htable", "abpqHash=>size=12;dbtable=abpq;")

#modparam("htable", "htable", "zabpqHash=>size=12;dbtable=zabpq;")


modparam("htable", "htable", "propertiesHash=>size=4;dbtable=properties;")

I hope my explanation is clearn and there are people who can help me on this 
problem that causes kamailio to not start.



De : Ginhoux, Patrick
Envoyé : vendredi 17 mars 2017 15:46
À : Kamailio users 
Objet : ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)


Now the kamailio installation is completed, I try to start kamailio but got an 
error on a modparam line.

By looking at the kamailio.cfg (with debug mode) it looks like the instruction 
is not correct :

modparam("htable", "fetch_rows", 1000)

[root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 ~]# systemctl status kamailio.service -l

kamailio.service - SYSV: Kamailio is a fast, reliable and flexible SIP Server.

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kamailio)

Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2017-03-17 15:38:13 CET; 17s ago

Process: 1526 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/kamailio start (code=exited, 

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: INFO: pike 
[pike.c:99]: pike_init(): PIKE - initializing

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: INFO: pike 
[ip_tree.c:81]: init_lock_set(): probing 256 set size

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: INFO: cfgutils 
[cfgutils.c:767]: mod_init(): no hash_file given, disable hash functionality

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: ERROR: htable 
[ht_db.c:276]: ht_db_load_table(): key type must be string (type=6)

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: ERROR: <core> 
[core/sr_module.c:968]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module htable 

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[1539]: INFO: <core> 
[core/sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not initialized

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1526]: Starting kamailio:

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: kamailio.service: control 
process exited, code=exited status=1

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: Failed to start SYSV: Kamailio 
is a fast, reliable and flexible SIP Server..

Mar 17 15:38:13 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: Unit kamailio.service entered 
failed state.

[root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 ~]#

modparam("htable", "fetch_rows", “1000”)

[root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 ~]# systemctl status kamailio.service -l

kamailio.service - SYSV: Kamailio is a fast, reliable and flexible SIP Server.

Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/kamailio)

Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2017-03-17 15:26:21 CET; 3s ago

Process: 1452 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/kamailio start (code=exited, 

Mar 17 15:26:20 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: Kamailio is a 
fast, reliable and flexible SIP Server....

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: Not starting : invalid 
configuration file!

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: 0(1460) ERROR: <core> 
[core/modparam.c:141]: set_mod_param_regex(): parameter <fetch_rows> of type 
<1> not found in module <htable>

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: 0(1460) CRITICAL: <core> 
[core/cfg.y:3404]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file 
//etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 308, column 41: Can't set module parameter

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: 0(1460) WARNING: <core> 
[core/cfg.y:3378]: warn_at(): warning in config file 
//etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 971, column 6-13: constant value in if(...)

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: ERROR: bad config file (1 

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 kamailio[1452]: 0(1460) INFO: <core> 
[core/sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not initialized

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: kamailio.service: control 
process exited, code=exited status=1

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: Failed to start SYSV: Kamailio 
is a fast, reliable and flexible SIP Server..

Mar 17 15:26:21 vm-vse02-siprouter1 systemd[1]: Unit kamailio.service entered 
failed state.

[root@vm-vse02-siprouter1 ~]#

The documentation shows that fetch_rows is an integer :

fetch_rows (integer)

How many rows to fetch at once from database.

Default value is 100.

Example 1.12. Set fetch_rows parameter


modparam("htable", "fetch_rows", 1000)

So how to explain the first error.

Have you any thoughts on this case ?



Daniel-Constantin Mierla
www.kamailio.org<http://www.kamailio.org> -- 
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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