Hi all,

Maybe I need a small hint.

I have got a configuration of 2    S-CSCF instances (both kamailio 4.4.5 with 
S-CSCF configuration, each on a separate virtual machine) in load sharing mode 

Both instances work on the same "scscf" data base, so that it is only one 
S-CSCF from a logical point of view.

Now I get into troubles with registration:

  *   P-CSCF sends REGISTER to first S-CSCF
  *   First S-CSCF answers with 401 Unauthorized an challenges the UE. So far 
everything OK.
  *   Second REGISTER is sent to second S-CSCF (DNS SRV Load Balancing).
  *   Second S-CSCF answers again with 401 Unauthorized (Error)
  *   This goes back and forth until UE gives up to register

This problem exists sporadically (approx. every fifth registration).

Now the question: is it worth to debug this configuration or should we rather 
switch to high available IP configuration (if we want to use kamailio)? What's 
your opinion/experiences?


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