
I discovered some strange behavior from the regex module yesterday (kamailio 
version 4.4.5). 

For example we have the phone number 0033755500381 that we try to match with 
the following kamailio code:

        #!define REGEX_FF_NEG_INTERNATIONAL    "6"
        if (pcre_match_group("$rU", REGEX_FF_NEG_INTERNATIONAL))
                # Do something

When the content of our regex groups file is like this:


The above if statment is not matching, although it should match according to 
any regex validator (for example https://regex101.com/ )

But when I split the above regex in smaller parts, like this:


Then the exact same regex module call as before does result in a match as 

So to me it looks like the regex module is having trouble with large regex 
expressions, I did check the logs but there is nothing strange there, that 
means also the large expression is correctly loaded according to the logs while 
in fact it is not working. Checked the regex module documentation but there I 
cannot find any limits regarding to the size of invididual expressions. 

Is it me missing something or did I discover a bug in de regex module?

Best Regards,

Tim Balmer
Edutel BV

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