
I have tried the following to hide the password during an FTP transter without much 
sucess.  Has anyone got this to work right
or a similar ftp program.


ssh -L 1234:remoteCompName:21 -g -l userID remoteCompName

Locally open up another terminal then:

ncftp  (enter)
set passive yes   (enter)
open -u userID -P 1234

At this point I would see the message   "fwd connect from to local port 
sshdfwd-1234 on the remote ssh terminal.

However at the terminal where I'm running ncftp the result is
User userID logged in.
Logged in to

The problem starts when you try to view the directory by typing   "dir"
Result is    "List failed."   any ideas   ?

I then tried the exact same thing with  ftp.

ftp  (enter)
passive (enter)
open  1234     (enter)

User  userID logged in.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

I then type  "dir"  to list the files.

227 Entering Passive mode (128,100,9,195,5,59)
425 Possible PASV port theft, cannot open data connection.

Can anyone help me I don't know why it's not working ???

I know that the data can still be snooped, but at least the password will be secure.

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