I've found that ssh in lieu of telnet is much faster.  Possibly because
of Twofish and compression.  I also find using ssh tunneling for FTP is
faster and less prone to hung transfers.  E. Moore  

Andrew Sherman wrote: 

>The performance of ssh is sensitive to your choice of cypher and how much CPU
>you have available for the crypto.  For example, you will find that
>blowfish is
>substantially faster than 3DES.  If you are doing bulk data transfers, you
>should also play around with compression, to see if the overall impact is
>improved or degraded.  Your mileage may vary.
>Andy Sherman
>On Wed, 31 May 2000, Robert von Bannisseht wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone tell me why my connection over ssh is very slow . Is for
>> setting up a connection between the two nodes ?
>> It is by me at home my server's runneing under Sol 2.7
>> and one AIX
>> With telnet and rlogin it is much faster
>> Thanks
>> Robert von Bannisseht

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