Hi, Folks.

(1) In studying SSH's history, I come across an anomaly that I hope
somebody can explain:  The main ftp tree at ftp.ssh.fi/pub/ssh/ and 
mirror sites lack versions 1.2.1 through 1.2.12.  Is there a reason?

I've found 1.2.12 elsewhere, and read 1.2.13's Changelog.  Aside from
the slight licence change, it looks to me like the main change is
substitution of Arcfour for rc4.  The Changelog acknowledges that rc4 is
an RSADSI trademark, so I briefly thought the prior twelve vers were
deleted to cure trademark infringement therein, but that doesn't explain
why 1.2.0 and prior are still there.

(2) Anybody know when Ascom Systec AG's IDEA patent(s) will expire?

Cheers,                        My pid is Inigo Montoya.  You kill -9    
Rick Moen                      my parent process.  Prepare to vi.
rick (at) linuxmafia.com 

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