Hi all,

I'm having some grief getting openssh 2.9 to play nicely. The machine
started as a redhat 6.2 box, has had the kernel upgraded to 2.4.0, after
which I tried installing ssh. Originally I grabbed ssh 2.3, installed it,
could ssh to itself (eg. "ssh localhost") but none of the other servers
could connect - bad mac errors etc. Had a look at the openssh site, saw
documented problems that looked related, so downloaded 2.9, removed the old
install, compiled the new one and tested.

Now, i can't ssh from the box to itself using passwords, public keys (rsa,
dsa or rsa1) - they all return :

Failed password for ROOT from port xxxx ssh2

(running sshd with a -d switch)

The ssh client gets "bad password".

Now, assuming that I can remember the password... what could be going on
here? If i ssh from another box the same error pops up. The debug output
from sshd shows that it tries to authenticate via public key, password,
interactive keyboard (i turned them all on see if anything would work) but a
failed password message results for all of them.

Any ideas as to where I should look?



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