On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 05:18:59PM +1000, Kim Holburn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not a developer so I hope I'm asking this in the right forum.  I am
> using openssh 2.5.2 to 2.9 something on various boxes.
> My question is this:  If I have a user with ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys
> file with his public key in it and I disable his account by say disabling
> his password in /etc/shadow he can still log in using public key
> authorization!!  I want to encourage people to use ssh and to use
> authorization using public keys but I also want to be able to disable
> accounts centrally if I need to.  Is this possible?
> Kim

I see that ssh 1.2.27 locked out all usage if the shadow file had '*LK*' in
the password field.  OpenSSH doesn't appear to do that, maybe it should.
Ah, it does support some of the other shadow password fields; you could do
it by setting the account as expired.  See "man shadow" and the allowed_user()
function in auth.c.  You could probably put "1" in the 8th column.

- Dave Dykstra

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