Thank you Dave, Benoit, Clemens, Lutz,

OK I locate the problem, but ...

Now the ssh binary is suid for root (it wasn't), but this didn't 
change nothing, the sshd in debug mode still reports a connection to 
an unpriviliged port.

As far as I know, my machine isn't behind a firewall, and should it 
do something as I'm trying to connect locallly (to localhost).

Does anybody has the rhost/shost stuff really running under SSH2 or openSSH ?


>As for one, check the ssh binary on the MacOS X machine and make sure it is
>suid.  If ls -l ssh doesn't show -rwsr-xr-x (or something close, the s is the
>important one though) then it isn't and you need to chmod u+s ssh. 
>If it is and
>       --Dave

>You try to connect from port 49237 which is not a priviliged port.
>A priviliged port is one open by root which is located between 1024 and
Jean Richelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Service de Conformation des Macromolécules Biologiques   Tel: +32 02 650 3587
et de Bioinformatique - Université libre de Bruxelles    FAX: +32 02 648 8954
av. F.D. Roosevelt 50 - CP160/16, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

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