Have you tried to run the client with debugging on? You can send -d to
or -v to the client. You might have a problem with the config file even
though you copied them from working servers (check the sshd.conf to see
if it has password auth turned off). Or, you may have a key problem. If
the authorized_key fails, it will revert to password authentication.

Ben Ricker
System Administrator

On 13 Jul 2001 15:49:12 -0400, Neb Bosworth wrote:
> I am having a problem w/ openSSH and some key exchange stuff..
> I have a bunch of Solaris machines all with the same version of OpenSSH,
> OpenSSL and Zlib. I have the same exact config files on all of them and the
> same authorized_keys file on all of them. All of them can connect to one
> another save one. that machine can connect to any other machine fine but no
> machines can connect to it w/out getting the password prompt. So, it works
> going from that machine to others but not the other way. I am completely
> stumped. I have scp'd the configs over and restarted sshd a few times to no
> avail. Any ideas would be awesome.
> Thanks,
> neb

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