At 10:51 AM +0200 7/18/01, Phillip Du Plooy wrote:
>Hallo Bruce,
>Thank you for the help. There is still one thing I do not get.  How 
>do you remap the numpad enter (right most enter ) to \033Om ? Am I 
>correct: there are 3 places you can edit the mapping firs the 
>"logical" to keyboard value and than the keyboard to remote value, 
>where do I edit? The "Documentation is internal to that file, for 
>what it's worth" is 100% on. One more silly question: is this file 
>case sensitive?
>Phillip du Plooy

We've had very limited success working with the keymap file. One of 
our student employees spent quite a bit of time experimenting with an 
earlier version of ssh for windows. This is his summary:

At 2:07 PM -0600 2/16/01,xxx wrote:
>OK, I had a minor breakthrough here. The good news is that I was 
>able to get Escape to act like Meta; the bad news was that I 
>couldn't make any other keys work. I had to change the 
>file that was stored in C:\Documents and 
>Settings\Administrator\Application Data\SSH (rather than the 
> in the SSH Program Files folder, which I guess will be 
>an issue for all NT/2000 users).  The change is, in the section 
>labeled Modifiers default-modifiers, add a line that says "Esc = 
>Meta" right below "Meta_R = Meta".
>In the shell (bash), it worked fine, except that you have to keep 
>pressing escape every time you want it to act as a modifier. For 
>example, if you type  "blah blah blah", then press Esc and Backspace 
>once, it will delete the last "blah", but if you keep pressing 
>backspace while holding down Esc, it only deletes one character at a 
>time, until you release and press Escape again. In emacs it's the 
>same way, except that for some reason you have to use the Delete key 
>instead of backspace to delete things.
>So obviously there are a lot of problems, but at least it's a start.

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