On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Carl J. Nobile wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Good question, I never tried ssh or scp from a windows machine. You will
> have problems for sure with spaces in file or directory names. From a
> windows machine I'd just ZIP up the whole directory tree and then just
> send over the single file. Use unzip on the UNIX/Linux box to decompress
> the files. Read the man page on the Linux box to see how it works.

>From a Windows machine, be sure to enclose in double quotes (")
those filenames with embedded spaces. To make your life easier,
I suggest you use iexplore (this is a GUI front end for pscp; pscp
is the Windows version of scp). iexplore looks very much like
Windows Explorer, just drag and drop the files you want to

It's no surprise that things are so screwed up: everyone who knows
how to run a government is either driving taxicabs or cutting hair.
        -- George Burns

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