Hello there.
I am running a file distribution system using OpenSSH to distribute it's 
file (On a 100Mbit LAN).
While I am having my Sparc CPU pulled to it's top I noticed many 
connections that failed for some reason. After running ssh with max 
verbosity I noticed that it gets most entropy gathering commands timed out 
(due to high CPU stress I guess).
My question is - by installing sun's /dev/random package (SUNWski) - will I 
be able to re-compile OpenSSH to support this device (and by that - 
hopefully to get as much entropy as I want...)



Gil Disatnik
UNIX system/security administrator@netish inc.

"Windows NT has detected mouse movement, you MUST restart
your computer before the new settings will take effect, [ OK ]"
Windows is a 32 bit patch to a 16 bit GUI based on a 8 bit operating
system, written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company which can
not stand 1 bit of competition.

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