Here's the scenario. I'm logged into host1, and I ssh to host2.

user@host1 ~$ ssh host2
user@host2 ~$

host2 has a file ~/.bashrc that I'd liked sourced on login. In particular, it 
sets a number of environment variables I want to use.
Initially .bashrc wasn't being executed (is this usual?).
So I linked .ssh/rc to .bashrc

user@host2 ~$ ln -s ~/.bashrc ~/.ssh/rc

Now .bashrc is executed when I ssh to host2. Now, with my limited understand, 
.ssh/rc is sourced *before* bash is run, so bash doesn't seem to inherit any 
of the environment variables set in .bashrc. How do I get the environment 
variables set in .bashrc to stick?

I know I can use .ssh/environment for some simple things, but I have more 
complex uses that I need .bashrc for.

Please cc my e-mail as well,
Shaun <sjackman at home dot com>

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