I have been having a real bad time with OpenSSH.  I am
trying to get it to authenticate using the
public/private authentication scheme.

First let me describe both of my testbed environments.

The first is an Ultra5 running Solaris 8.  512M Ram. 
It is our developer server so it runs a wide range of
software, but mostly web servers.  No special
configuration has been done on the box, just pain old
Solaris.  OpenSSH 2.9p2

The machine I am using for the client in this
situation is a Windows 2000 laptop.  I have used both
openSSH that installs with Cygwin, as well as Tera
Term with ttssh.

The second testbed that I am using is two Solaris
Intel machines.  The server is a Celeron 333, and the
client is a PII 450.  Both have 128MB ram, and run the
Solaris 8 operating system.

Both of these environments behave the same way.

I can log in with username and password in the normal
way.  However, when I follow the instructions on how
to use ssh-keygen to create a public/private key
combination to automate the login process, the process
goes exactly as documented until I try to use it, it
asks me for the password anyway.  When I turn on the
-V option, it simply tells me:

debug1: Remote: RSA authentication refused for user:
bad ownership or modes for
debug1: Server refused our key.
debug1: Doing password authentication.

$ls -ld .ssh
drwxrwxr-x 2 user grp    512 Jul 29 14:02 .ssh

$> cd .ssh
$> ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user grp  339 Jul 29 14:02
-rw-r--r-- 1 user grp  339 Jul 29 14:02 identity.pub
-rw------- 1 user grp 1024 Jul 23 10:28 prng_seed

The real fun part of all of this is, the two Solaris
intel machine platform even share the same home
directory.  So, when I write to one ~/.ssh it is the
same ~/.ssh on the other machine via the magic of NFS.

I need this functionality to work to be able to give
remote access to our CVS shares on the Ultra 5.

Anyone with any ideas, please help.

Kevin Fries
Web Developer

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