On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 07:17:55 -0500 Tony Mantler <Tony Mantler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

> Plus, even for non NAT-hidden sessions, SSH doesn't appear to set any
> environment varables indicating the originating server, so having a login
> script set DISPLAY automatically is a bit tricky, not to mention even less
> secure.

3 possible problem areas come to mind

1. sshd is set not to allow X forwarding

2. X forwarding is not being automatically invoked, try connecting
with ssh -x

3.The server has a bug in its hosts setup when setting its own
addresses for PAM etc. this can result in localhost being denied an X
connection (as is needed for ssh X forwarding).

Keith Matthews                  Spam trap - my real account at this 
                                                        node is keith_m
Frequentous Consultants  - Linux Services, 
                Oracle development & database administration

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