We have recently upgraded to Secure Shell servers both NT and Unix.  We have 
some NT servers that need to do automated (winat) file transfers to the new 
Secure Shell server at times when most humans should be sleeping.  GUI client 
connects and manual command line connections work great.  Command Line:

sftp2 -b ftp.scr userid@ipaddress < pw.txt 2> ftp.out

put test.txt


The problem we can't seem to overcome is that a scheduled SSH transfer always 
returns the following error:

You are connecting to ip address for the first time. Do you want to save the 
host key to the local database and continue connecting (yes/no)?
Warning: Failed to authenticate.

This happens with both the Vandyke and the SSH versions of the NT secure 
shell server.

Does anyone have suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

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