On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 12:46:23PM +0900, J Grant wrote:

> I have 2 linux mandrake8.0 machines running ssh and sftp
> openssh 2.5.2p2
> when i ssh <othermachine> that is fine but when i use sftp the backspace
> stops working. Any ideas?

On the client, before running sftp, run "stty -a".  This will show you
what your terminal's backspace ("erase") character is set to.  If this
is not the same as what your BackSpace key is actually sending, then
change the setting with "stty erase ^h" or similar.

If your BackSpace key is sending the DEC multi-byte "Delete"
escape sequence, then your X server or your terminal emulator may
be misconfigured; in that case, try a different terminal emulator,
or delve into the documentation for your terminal emulator and/or the
xmodmap command.

> Also 2 sugestions of further features
> arrow keys to use previously typed stuff

The obvious way to do this would be to link the client with GNU readline.
GNU readline is under the GNU GPL, so sftp would also have to be released
under the GPL (or a less restrictive license, such as the public domain)
in order to do that.

> there is no mv command in sftp, i think this woulkd be really useful 

There's a "rename" command, which is better than nothing.

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