[In the message entitled ssh-conection closed by remote host , On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 
06:17:54PM +0200, Nuria Andres wrote:]
> From: "Nuria Andres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ssh-conection closed by remote host
> Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 18:17:54 +0200
> Hi,
> I have installed openssh2.9p2 and it works correctly when I probe it locally. I mean 
>when I do:
> [operador@intra133 init.d]$ /usr/local/bin/ssh -v -2 -l operador 0
> But when I try to connect from another machine:
> [hostlog@v1estdat hostlog]$ /usr/local/bin/ssh -v -2 -l operador
> It doen´t work. In the debug, appears:
> debug1: authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive
> debug1: next auth method to try is publickey
> debug1: try pubkey: /home/hostlog/.ssh/id_rsa
> Connection closed by
> debug1: Calling cleanup 0x8062e14(0x0)
> Why does it close the connection?

  Make sure you have a proper hostallow line in your ssh2d_config file:


It should have an entry like this - with your hosts.  Note the use of 
commas.  Prior versions would allow spaces, ssh2 REQUIRES the commas.:

AllowHosts                      localhost, foobar.com, friendly.orga

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