Hello, all-

In trying to get batch copies working between an ssh.com 3.0.1 client
(SunOS 5.8) and an OpenSSH 2.9p2 server (SunOS 5.7), any options in
the authorized_keys2 file on the server seem to cause the client to
abort the connection while the publickey authentication was under way.
The server caught SIGPIPE before postponing authentication.

ssh2: FATAL: trcommon.c:1901 Ssh2Transport ssh_tr_input_debug Assertion failed: 
packet_type != 4

By adding an entry to compat.c for 3.0.[01], I was able to get the
publickey auth to behave itself much better.

--- openssh-2.9p2/compat.c      Thu Apr 19 16:40:46 2001
+++ openssh-2.9p2_fix/compat.c  Mon Aug 27 20:26:32 2001
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
                                        SSH_BUG_NOREKEY },
                { "^OpenSSH",           0 },
                { "MindTerm",           0 },
+               { "^3\\.0\\.[01]",      SSH_BUG_DEBUG },
                { "^2\\.1\\.0",         SSH_BUG_SIGBLOB|SSH_BUG_HMAC|
                                        SSH_BUG_RSASIGMD5|SSH_BUG_HBSERVICE },

Is there another possible explanation/fix, short of eliminating
debug packets for 3.0.[01] clients, or is this a reasonable addition
to compat.c?

I can provide copious debug output if it would be helpful.

On a related note, given that the scp2 with 3.0.1 uses sftp as a
backend instead of scp, is there any way to restrict the target
for the copy from the authorized_keys2 file?


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