Since Solaris doesn't like static binaries much it is a little 
more difficult, but doable.

         The easiest and quickest way is to setup the commercial version of 
ssh and do the following.

         1)      Setup the user as a chroot user or chroot group via the 
sshd2_config file.
         2)      Following the Solaris instructions for in.ftpd on setting 
up the devices and needed libaries
                 for anonymous users. ( This is the quickest way, you can 
trim this down if you need to though).
         3)      Add any libraries you might need for ssh into the users 
lib directory.
         4)      Change there shell to /usr/lib/rsh              ( 
Restricted Shell for further control )
         5)      Create there .profile and lock it down as root owned and 
then setup any binaries they need in there home directory.

         That should be it.

-Todd Wilkinson

At 02:21 PM 9/9/01 +0200, Jörgen Tapani wrote:
>Is there any way to 'chroot' the client login.
>like in ftpd, from the users home directory string in /etc/passwd.
>Since the system login is made by sshd before any subsystems starts, like 
>a shell or sftp-server, there should be a lethal way to root trap clients 
>in sshd.
>Are there?
>No i'm new in this group so dont jump me yet!

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