Good Morning Carl ...

Thanks for the info - I'm sorry to have taken so long to get back to you,
but I've been working my socks off to get some more Shays finished in time
for Diamondhead.  I'm managing to snatch a few minutes while the workshop
heats up after last night's heavy frost (you wouldn't know about that in
Texas!) to catch up with my mail.

I took a look at the pics - the glazing certainly makes a difference to the
loco.  The glass looks quite thin: my memory of  picture glass is that it's
about 1/8" thick, but you've obviously found something much more delicate.

If I do glaze the next loco, I think I shall design holders into the
platework so the  glass slots in from the top with just a dab of adhesive to
stop it rattling.  No doubt you'll expect sliding windows and opening doors

Many thanks for the highly complimentary write-up in SitG - it should help
to persuade those whose patience couldn't cope with my extended illness to
think again.  The last year has been a bit of a nightmare - not just for me,
Ron has suffered alongside me - but I seem to be on the mend at long last.

If this posting seems just a tad terse, it's because I'm teaching myself to
touch-type and the best I can manage so far without looking at the keyboard
is about 10wpm.  The most used key is the Backspace - when I can find it!

Best wishes,



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