All hands:

I've been a little distracted from the list for the last couple of days ...
many of you in the Bay Area know of my dilemma: the street in front of my
house is collapsing because of the recent heavy rains and we have been
without natural gas since 4 p.m., Feb. 17. It is a race against time to
find and move into a new home. The good news is that we're renters; the bad
news is that we still have to move.

We've found a place (nice backyard for an elevated track, too) and the loan
and escrow machinery is moving apace. We expect to move in about three
weeks. Meantime, we watch the street and huddle for warmth. Oh, and no hot
showers :-( ...

Anyway, I took a few minutes just now and posted a new roster, as we have
hit more than 110 members on the list. You can view the roster at

I believe I have fixed all the wrong biographies, but if your bio
accidentially points to another one or if you know you posted a bio and it
isn't listed, I would appreciate it if you would track down your existing
bio on the archive site
<> and send me the
specific URL of your bio. If you sent in a bio before we started the
archive, you might consider reposting that bio (if, for no other reason,
there are about 75 people who never saw it anyway). I should be able to
catch it and put it onto the roster then.

New biographies are always encouraged -- we're looking to know how you got
involved in the hobby, what engines you have now or have had in the past,
what you rolling stock is and what kind of layout you have. We could also
use photos of list members; those should be sent directly to me at

Lastly, a specific apology to Pat Darby: he sent in almost 20 pictures from
Diamondhead 2000 more than a month ago. They are all great pictures and I
want to get them posted; time has been my enemy, though. I hope to get this
task accomplished in the next few days. Sorry Pat.

BTW, the new house is situated between a street called Grand Teton and a
street called Everglades -- the my railroad will henceforth cease to be the
Westline & Mussel Rock and in March will become the Grand Teton &
Everglades or GT&E.

Thanks for your support.

Dave Cole
General Manager, Westline & Mussel Rock Railroad
Daly City, Calif. USA
List Mom: sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers


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