On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Subject: Re: Aster Safety Valves
>      Ok Lee  --  now how does that 4kg/cm2 convert to a language that we 
> understand.   This old brain does not operate well on metric.   This happens 
> when one gets old and set in his (or her) ways. 

Where did this messy mixture of units, Kg and Cm, come from?  My old
physics teacher used to say that if you mix MKS and CGS units in the same
calculation, you're heading for a wrong answer. 

To make it worse, pressure is force per unit area.  Kg is a unit of mass,
not of force.  For any of this to make sense, the units should be
Newtons/Sq.M. or Dynes/Sq.Cm.  

Let's stick with the real world and use PSI.  At least the units make

Bill Kaiser

There are three ways to do a job: good, cheap, and quick.
You can have any two.
A good, cheap job won't be quick.
A good, quick job won't be cheap.
A cheap, quick job won't be good.

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