What a coincidence -- I got the following from Garden Railways 
editor Marc Horovitz today.


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Date sent:              Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:31:12 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "M. Horovitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Michigan

A message to all small-scale live steamers in Michigan

I base the contents of this message on information received from a 
source. The State of Michigan has recently enacted legislation 
all steam locomotives running on a gauge of less than 24" to have 
an annual
state boiler inspection. There is no minimum gauge mentioned in 
this law.
Technically, this would also apply to gauge O and gauge 1 live-steam
locomotives as well.

Rumor has it that a group of small-scale live steamers intends to approach
the state for an exemption. Based on the experience of those in the larger
scales, this could be an expensive and long drawn-out struggle. However, my
source informs me that the unofficial word from the State of Michigan
boiler inspectors is that the garden-railway scales will be studiously
ignored. The state has neither the resources nor the interest in trying to
police garden railroaders running live-steam engines. Your best course of
action is to do nothing-keep your heads down and mouths closed is the word
on the street.

Marc Horovitz

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