Hi all,
According to section 32 below it refers to public display or use. Does this
have any effect on private use in your own home or a private membership
club. I can see requirements for a public displayed or riding engine because
of liabilities, etc. but I bet the legislature never considered home

 (31) "Miniature boiler" means a power boiler that does not have any of

the following:

  (a) An inside diameter of the shell of more than 16 inches

  (b) A working pressure of more than 100 psig

  (c) A gross volume of more than 5 cubic feet

  (d) More than 20 square feet of heating surface.

(32) "Miniature locomotive boiler" means a miniature hobby steam

locomotive boiler which operates on a narrow gauge track that is less than

24 inches wide and which is for public display or use.

 Rule 24. (1) The owner shall ensure the inspection, repair, and

alteration of boilers and piping is in accordance with the national board

inspection code, 1998 edition, and its addenda, except as modified by

these rules. The national board inspection code is adopted by reference in

these rules and may be reviewed at the Okemos office of the Department of

Consumer and Industry Services, Bureau of Construction Codes, Boiler

Division.  The code may be purchased from the National Board of Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229, or

from the Department of Consumer and Industry Services, Bureau of

Construction Codes, 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, Michigan 48864, at a

cost as of the time of adoption of these rules of $70.00 each.
  Rule 47.  These rules do not apply to any of the following:

  (a) A boiler under federal control.

  (c) A miniature steam or marine engine used for a hobby.

  (d) A boiler used in the power plant of a self-propelled vehicle

designed primarily for transportation of persons or property on a highway,

for a vehicle used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks.

R  408.4153   Illegal to operate without valid certificate.

  Rule 153. A person, firm, partnership, or corporation shall not  operate

a boiler under pressure in this state to which these rules apply without a

valid inspection certificate. An owner or user who causes a boiler  to  be

operated without possessing a valid certificate shall be  subject  to  the

penalty prescribed in section 24 of the act.

R 408.4512 Miniature hobby locomotive boilers.

  Rule 512. (1) A miniature hobby locomotive boiler is designed to be

operated on a narrow gauge track of less than 24 inches.

  (2) At the initial inspection of a miniature hobby locomotive boiler the

owner shall provide the chief boiler inspector with design specifications

and calculations for review and acceptance.  If a boiler is approved for

use, then the boiler division of the department of consumer and industry

services shall issue an identifying state number and a deputy boiler

inspector shall attach it to the boiler.

  (3) The owner shall ensure that a miniature hobby locomotive boiler has

the following minimum equipment:

  (a) A pressure gauge calibrated to approximately 11/2 times the operating

pressure, but not more than 4 times the operating pressure.

  (b) A means to extinguish the fire in the firebox in the event of a low

water condition.

  (c) Two means of feeding water to the boiler, 1 of which shall be

operable while the locomotive is stationary.

  (d) A water level gauge glass located so that the top of the bottom nut

of the gauge glass will be approximately 10% of the distance between the

crown sheet and the shell, but not less than 1/2 inch above the crown sheet.

  (e) Two safety valves set at not more than 10% above the operating

pressure for boilers fabricated after the effective date of the rules.

The capacity of the safety valves shall be equal to or greater than the

calculated steam generating capacity of the boiler.

  (4) The owner shall determine the maximum allowable working pressure of a

miniature hobby locomotive boiler by calculation.  In place of acceptable

calculations, the owner shall subject the boiler to a hydrostatic pressure

test of 11/2 times the owner specified operating pressure.

  (5) Triennially, during the certificate inspection, the owner shall

hydrostatically test the boiler to not more than 11/2 times the operating


  (6) The boiler division shall develop procedures, policies and check

lists necessary to accomplish the inspections and tests required by these


  (7) Repairs to miniature hobby locomotive boilers are exempt from the

licensing and permitting requirements of the act.  Repair welding shall be

made in accordance with the requirements of ASME code section IX.  Welding

procedures and performance qualification shall be filed with the boiler

division for review.


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