> I have a 1 pound roll of Kester "44" Rosin Core 66", wire diameter 0.015, 
> 95Sn/5Ag solder.  I am interested in using it in model engineering and would 
> like to know the characteristics and properties of this solder.  My 
> alternative, is to use silver solder which obviously provides a much stronger 
> bond.  However, for medium to low strength bonding how does this solder with 
> 5% silver compare to traditional  tin/lead solders.  Any technical 
> information would be appreciated (Kester never responded to my e-mail).

I have found some info on the web, and suggest you search for 
"solder" and "strength".

For example:
Type                                    Sn63    Silver-bearing  
                                                                (no % listed)   
Yield Strength (ksi)            4.38    4.86                    

A little better, but not a whole lot.

KappTec claims to be almost as strong as silver solder, but flows at 
a much lower temp.  Beware, though, as it's 95% Cadmium, the 
vapor from which will go straight to your testicles and do things you 
don't want done to them.

I didn't find a yield strength for silver solder (or silver brazing, as it's 
also correctly known) but I'm sure there's one out there somewhere.


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