My friend Gary wrote:

, I was surprised to find that Aster used 2 cup
>type seals back-to-back for piston seals.

Must have got the idea from Tom Cooper, The two  pre '90s Merlins I own
have the same type of pistons-teflon or a similar material and there
appears to be no wear at all. Water is an adequate lubricant except for the
piston valves.  Even when I burned up the cylinders (not uncommon for me!)
on the Hunslet the pistons were OK.

By the way Gary--what are  you doing with a Baldwin--I thought you were
into 1/32 Brit stuff--or have you deserted the cause? I feel so lonely out

 Where are the rest of you 1/32  limey loco enthusiasts? Come forth and shine!

Cantankerous Lord Uncle Geoffrey.


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