On Tue, 18 Apr 100, Gary Broeder wrote:

> well done. Although they are mostly UK style it would be easy to fab up some 
>counterweights to match your 
> desire.

Spiffage.  :)  Is there an alternate way of contacting them?  Overseas
long distance is a killer.  :/
>  I should think the big problem with the ball bearings would be keeping them clean 
>as things get pretty gritty 
> running outdoors. Certainly the bearings would need to be shielded to keep out the 
>big bits as well as be 
> made from stainless steel for obvious reasons. 

For this reason sealed bearings could be used.  These can also be
purchased fairly inexpensively from a local hobby store.
> I have a loco under construction that uses just that on the 3 main axles and it 
>rolls very easily. I designed the 
> sprung axle boxes with room for small felt donuts to keep the oil in, the dirt out, 
>yet keep rolling resistance at 
> a minimum.
You might want to consider the afore mentioned sealed bearings.  This type
is used on the axles of R/C cars.  I have them on 1/8 and 1/6 scale gas
vehicles that are high performers.  Running through water and grit doesn't
have a great effect on them.  :)
> GaryB
Trot, the free-rolling, fox...

     TrotFox          \ Always remember,       /\-/\
AKA Landon Solomon     \ "There is a          ( o o )
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."  >\./<

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