On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Kevin Strong wrote:

> Oh really??? I'd bet the folks in Galveston would beg to differ...

Ok then, I'll rephrase that to include Dallas next time.  ;]
> Seriously, though - back to steam content...
> Has anyone noticed a lack of pulling power from their Ruby? I'm getting
> long enough runs, but it seems she has a bit of trouble pulling herself
> up a grade. This is just a bit disconcerting, as I want to put a tender
> behind her, and don't have any plans on adding a steam booster to it. If
> this is normal, I apologize for taking up valuable bandwidth, but since
> I'm using Ruby to get my girlfriend involved in live steam, I kinda want
> it to work. 

I'd call it semi-normal.  I've noticed a few comments to the same effect
and I know that mine is quite wimpy.  The biggest trouble I have is that
the piston rod seals leak steam.  It'll actually produce a jet of steam
when the lokie is up to temp.  As long as the cranks are set to get power
from the front half of the cylinder she's fine but if there's not enough
momentum to carry through the other half-revolution she stalls and
blows.  :(

There is a higher presure safty valve soulution that's supposed to help
this out but I haven't even gotten to play with her since I found out
about it.  Sulphur Springs should have info on the valve.  I've also heard
that if you're having trouble with this you can get new rear cylinder caps
from Accucraft.
Now I just gotta set up an oval out on the patio of my Apt so I can boil
water again!  ;]

> Later,
> K 

Trot, the semi-steamable, fox...

     TrotFox          \ Always remember,       /\-/\
AKA Landon Solomon     \ "There is a          ( o o )
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."  >\./<

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