Is the time period for Diamondhead availble for my exclusive

On Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:56:38 -0500, you wrote:

>Given the proposed price tag on the Aster Allegheny I suggest we form an
>investment club to purchase one.  We could get 12 people each to invest
>$1,500.  Each investor would then have use of the engine for one month each
>year.  The club could rent out the engine to others with the club sharing in
>all income.  Bond issues could be floated to purchase future engines.  All
>capital gains would be reinvested in a retirement fund for the owners.  A
>leasing subsidiary could be formed to purchase new engines and lease them
>out to fellow live steamers who do not have sufficiently high enough D&B
>ratings to buy their own engines.  Down the road a stock company might be
>formed with a goal of a NYSE listing.  The potential seems unlimited.
>Don Plasterer 

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