Thanks Dave, I picked up the paper--great article-- at this point we
country folk must brag! On Oct 15, The GREATER HUMBOLDT BAY GRS  was
covered by the Times Standard in Eureka at the Nonsensical Secret Garden
Railway get together (yours truly's GR). It was very nicely done tho the
colored photos they took were poorly reproduced. Kevin Schindler, Richard
Heisler, Larry Buerer and others, including  myself  ran LIVE STEAM which
was covered--From 1/32 to 7/8" There were some great "sparkies"
too--now--what were they?? Even 3-1/2" (whoops!) gauge too. No photos of
those, as the emphasis was on our small scale GR locos.

I suspect the Chronicle got the idea from this rural back/redwoods
community. It's us country folks that stir the pot.

Accordingly, I think the GHBGRS should receive the Allengheny by Aster  for
publicity ( there was a photo of the Aster KGV--being moved by the "hand of
God). Unless, of course, Susan wears it around her neck instead of the
diamond and fine apparel she suggested!  Is this OK <<BG>> and Chuck??

Geoff et al, GHBGRS.

P.S..  Other than general local comments on our article, the only serious
inquiries came from the Bay area. They were referred to the article by
their daughters living up here!  Wonderful things, daughters, who care
about their Dad's interests. Right,  Of course, I referred them to  Jack
Verducci who is a great asset to Garden Railways.

All hands:
>Buried amongst the election hoo-ha in today's SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE is a
>profile of garden railroaders, including Jack Verducci, the president of
>It's not a bad story, even if it does confine itself to sparkies ...
>Dave Cole
>Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
>              Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
>              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Editor:       TRELLIS & TRESTLE, the newsletter of the
>              Bay Area Garden Railway Society <>
>              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Webconductor: Pacific Coast Live Steamers <>
>              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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