Well stated Vance.

Besides "talking" trains and stuff is a lot less stressful.  Thanks for 
reminding us!

Thanks also for the reminder about the Loco of the month at Sidestreet.  And, 
I really like your new banner page showing off your Ruby.

There has been so much talk and exchange of ideas about Ruby lately that it 
would be a shame not to have some type of "official" competition at DH.  It 
could be in several areas -- mods and performance come to my mind 
immediately.  One ballot could be included in the registration package for 
each paid participant.  There could be a winner in each category and then 
maybe "best over all."  There is plenty of time for any and all entries to be 
pre registered.  (Otherwise wait until next year!)  Over a couple of days 
they (the Rubies) could be on display and listed when they will be running.  
Vote by 10 AM Sunday and have presentation at normal awards lunch.  

Anybody who can't be there can enter if they can find a sponsor to represent 

Jim Crabb
Seabrook (Houston) 

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