No riding lawnmower. Better to use that money for trains!
I am converting the slope to plantings rather than grass.

"Phil. Paskos" wrote:

> How about awesome!  It would be worth coming to Oregon just to see that.
> Phil.P.
> >
> > WOW!  I'm impressed!  Bet you are v.e.r.y. careful with the riding mower
> > . . .  Charles
> >
> > Gary Lane wrote:
> > >
> > > For my 70 foot long trestle that reached 8 feet above ground I used
> splined
> > > cedar strips glued with Gorilla glue and staples to hold the curve until
> the
> > > glue set up.
> > >>snip<<
> > > Gary Lane
> > >     Pictures of the trestle
> > >
> >

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