Thanks for posting your experience! I hope you write something for Garden
Railways to counter the article I read. Your observations make sense to me.
I also found that the wheels used by cars make a big difference. For example,
Gary Raymond wheels tend to derail the European two axle cars while they work
fine on four axle cars. It sure will be nice when someone compiles a book of all
the tricks so many have learned. It would save each of us having to reinvent
what others have already discovered.

> My elevated track was built with a plastic deck on wood stringers.  I
> pitched the plastic by adjusting the stringers, all by eye, and have not
> experienced one derailment under any speed conditions.  I don't know why it
> wouldn't help running of the trains, to a point.  In any case, it sure looks
> neat seeing a train highballing through a turn while leaning into it.
> Jim

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