Don't forget, Geoff, there are a few other railroad barons in the area who would
welcome such "esteamed' personages to their humble digs.

Larry, Richard, and Kevin

Geoff Spenceley wrote:

> Gary,
> We will miss your presence in DH--you are forgiven--Sacramento is a
> deal--the dinner is on-- I promise--Salty can buy the drinks!! Of course,
> if you come up to redwood country before then you can bring ithe tractor
> and a  bumblebee to the Nonsensical Secret Garden Railway. --drive my
> Britannia,--it's tough with the hodge-podge bunch of coal I have! Run the
> tractor in the living room and run some Brit stuff on the 45mm track. Small
> tho it is, it does have 11' radii.---plus some other track for NG.
> Apologies to the list for using it for personal mail!!
> Geoff.
> Gary,
> >>
> >> There is no consideration!!  Be in DH, bring the traction engine-- no
> >>excuses --I'll  oil it, clean it and buy you lunch!
> >>
> >>Geoff.
> >>>      Gary
> >>>If you are coming to Diamond head would you consider bringing that traction
> >>>engine?  While it isn't a locomotive it is live steam and I for one would
> >>>sure like to see that critter.
> >>>
> >>>Salty
> >
> >Geoff, Salty,
> >My goodness, I did not realize we had a couple of traction engine fans
> >here. It would be a blast to bring it to
> >DH but there are 2 problems ( not excuses Geoff but thanks for the
> >offers!) 1, I regret that I will not be going
> >to DH in Jan. 2, It would present a bit of a problem being carry-on
> >luggage! Sacramento next summer would
> >be a better bet though!
> >
> >GaryB

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