on 31/12/00 12:42 am, Charles W. Walters at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If that is true, I believe Accucraft has made a serious marketing flaw!
> At 05:31 PM 30/12/00 -0500, Chuck Walters wrote:
>> I have been reading notices from the 16mmngm list.  They have been talking
>> as of late about the Accucraft Excelsior.  This appears to be an English
>> model.  I have not heard a word from anyone about it here in the states.
>> Accucraft doesn't have any info posted on their website.  Is Accucraft
>> catering to one side of the pond and not the other?
> Both - 'Ruby', et al over here, 'Excelsior' over there.
>In fact the Accucraft Excelsior is a Pearse design commissioned by Marches
Models and constructed in China.  It will be available via Brandbright, PPS
et al in the UK and I suspect will very shortly be available in the United
States.  At least I cannot see Ian Pearse taking up the opportunity to sell
in the US.  I have seen the pre-production models and this promises to be a
very high quality model at the price.  For instance the steam chests, in
common with those on Pearse Locomotives, consist of stainless steel
centerless ground piston valves running in honed bores.  Despite old wives
tales to the contrary, this arrangement will wear and wear given adequate
I will be reviewing the first of the production models as soon as Marches
Models get their first consignment and will then be in a position to provide
more info to members of this list.
One of the reasons I keep a low profile on this list is that I have been too
lazy to unsubscribe and subscribe again with my current isp.  I will do this
as soon as I get round to it :-)


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

ICQ* 96182312


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