In a message dated 01/27/01 9:58:35 AM Central Standard Time,

<< Where did you get your maxitrak tender, Sulphur Springs?  It sounds like
it would do the trick and I like the idea of the added weight. >>

At 7:29 AM -0800 1/29/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 01/27/01 12:50:06 PM Central Standard Time,
><< Do you mean Marklin/Maxi? >>
>Yes.  Got carried away trying to go through 400 plus messages in too short a
>time.  Sorry for the confusion.

Marklin/Maxi is sold in the U.S. by a variety of hobby shops -- I have
encountered the rolling stock at two stores in California.

The equipment is also sold over the Internet at

I cite this particular site because he is importing the live steam Marklin
and he needs to be encouraged ... ;-) ...


Dave Cole
Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
              Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Editor:       TRELLIS & TRESTLE, the newsletter of the
              Bay Area Garden Railway Society <>
              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web & List:   Pacific Coast Live Steamers <>
              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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