
  OK, now I'll show my TRUE feelings. Yes, I agree with you 100%! It is flat
out THIEVERY and taking advantage of someone who has done so many great things
for both the hobby and the people involved by sharing information so freely. I
was just trying to show the 'ole "silver lining around the cloud" with the
imitation/flattery comment.
  I, like so many others, appreciate Vance's and others great designs and
willingness to share them with everyone. It really adds to the enjoyment of the
hobby. I hope that situations like this doesn't impede the sharing of
information. Certainly a copyright notice should be in order for shared files.
  I was told of another design theft that took place a while back. I won't go
into detail here but basically a company bought some detail castings from one
of the well known suppliers and used them as the pattern for some inexpensive
plastic rail cars. No monetary rewards, recognition, or mention was ever given
to the original casting supplier.
[soap box mode off]


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