Last time I saw this shay a fellow was using a torch to cut out all the boiler
tubes. He said he was part of a group restoring the locomotive. Has work
progressed? There was lots of missing metal due to corrosion when I saw it a few
years ago.
There is also a shay in need of repair up the Vancouver Island east side highway
about 100 miles. It used to run even recently, so I expect it may be serviceable


>      For those of you who live on the west coast or will be visiting this
> summer for the garden railways convention.   There are several Shays on
> display in the northwest a couple even in operation.  Right here in the Rose
> City (Portland OR) at the World Forestry Center there is one on display.  As
> it is not fenced off and accessable to all it is a little worse for the wear
> but none the less it is there to look at and touch.  Up further north near
> Seattle there is at least one operating Shay (may be a "Willie") on a tourist
> railway.  If anyone would like further information I can get more details and
> post it on the list.
> Have a great steamin' day
> Salty CC&BW

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